Text: Mathew 13: 47-48
"Again, the kingdom of heaven is like unto a net, that was cast into the sea, and gathered of every kin...d: Which, when it was full, they drew to shore, and sat down, and gathered the good into vessels, but cast the bad away."
Just like the text above, today we have all kinds of people in the church of God in the name of Christians. The good ,the bad and evil ones. All lizards are on the floor, we may not easily know which one has stomach upset.
Cockroaches have filled the church of God pretending to be redeemed children of God who are serving Him in truth and in spirit. Why do we call these such Christians cockroaches? It is simply because they exhibit similar characteristics with cockroaches.
Characteristics of Cockroaches;
1. They have world wide distribution due to accidental transport. The cockroach Christians are very large in number. Most Christians fall into the category of Paul we know , Jesus we know , who are you ?
2. Cockroaches are ancient group of insects. They stick to their ancient life styles and refuse to change like Moab in the bible. Change is a necessity in life for progress. You need to change your old ways to move forward. You cannot be doing the same thing over and over and expect a different result. That is madness.
3. Cockroaches point their heads downwards always . Cockroach Christians never look up to heaven. They always look downward to the world and depending on the world.
4. Cockroaches run from the light because they love darkness. Cockroach Christians prefer darkness than light. They hide from prophets and men of God because they don't want their secrets to be revealed. Many of them abound in our churches today.
5. Cockroaches are always nocturnal beings. They prefer operating in the night. It will be surprising to you to hear that there witches filled in our churches today. Living holier than thou lifestyle I the day and operating as witches at night.
6. Cockroaches can run very rapidly and difficult to catch. These are intelligent sinners in the church. They are clever sinners. You can't catch them fornicating , drinking or committing other sins. When you hear their sins you marvel. They are everywhere in our churches today. They are cockroach sinners.
7. Cockroaches hide in very narrow spaces or holes. These kinds of Christians are permanent back sitters. They are always hiding from the face of the pastor or preacher. They hide behind pillars during service.
8. Cockroaches are attracted to uncleanliness and food left overs. Such Christians gravitate to sinful natures and are seen in unholy places. Living in total immorality.
9. Cockroaches are difficult to eradicate . These set of Christians are hardened sinners. It is very difficult to change their lifestyles or convert them to God.
10. Cockroaches adapt to any environment easily. These type of Christians adapt to anything. They sing well, pray well, dance church songs and worldly songs as well. They blow cold and hot at the same time. If you see them outside the church you will never believe they are the once you see in churches. They are ready to do anything without considering what God says about it.
11. Cockroaches have small heads. These type of Christians don't think well. They are foolish and rarely meditate on things of God. They don't have vision and are shortsighted.
12. Cockroaches are spoilers. Such Christians spoil the church of God. Bring adulterated Messages and doctrines into the house of God.
13. Cockroaches emit bad odor. Such Christians create offensive odor before God and man because of their characters.
14. Cockroaches can spread disease. These type of Christians are the ones spreading evil films and worldly musics in the church. You will see a Christian telling you to dance worldly music or get involved in fornication and ask God for forgiveness. They are everywhere in the church of God today.
15. Cockroaches eat virtually everything . These type of Christians listen to all kinds of messages. Junk messages , sugar messages that will never make you a very good Christian. They swallow vain messages , demotivating and de-anointing messages. Pampering messages, raping messages, entertainment messages , seductive messages , hell magnetizing messages , vagabond messages etc. They don't care ,all you hear is ride on pastor , shoot.
16. Cockroaches are stubborn. Such Christians find it hard to repent and live a good Christian life. No matter the types of messages they have heard , it is hard to change them.
The tragedy of cockroach Christians : these are tragedies awaiting cockroach. Christians if they don't repent and come back to the lord:
1. Sudden destruction
2. They will be surrounded by destiny thieves.
3. They will not have divine blessings from God
4. They become spiritual drop outs
5. They operate under closed heaven.
6. They attract divine curse to themselves
7. Finally they become candidates of hell fire

But there is hope and a way out. What is the way out?
Genuinely and totally surrender your life to Christ in truth and in spirit. It is not how long you have lived on earth , but what impact you have made to lives and people around you while you lived. May God bless His word and touch out hearts to change today from cockroach Christians in Jesus name. Amen.
Enjoy your week as we expect the month of August 2013 our month of extra ordinary favour.


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